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My name is Lisa Moore and I’m the founder of Blaze of Hope.


My sweet son Blaze was diagnosed with liver cancer at just 7 months old. This was the most challenging time of my life. I had to take a leave from my job because he was so sick, and we spent most of our time in the hospital.


Lisa Moore

Blaze endured aggressive chemotherapy and multiple surgeries. Tragically, he passed away at 13 months old.


During this time, I was able to stay with my baby boy, to be a mom, and to sleep in the hospital bed with him nightly, not missing a precious moment with him. Blaze was never left alone; I was always by his side. I was able to be there for him. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case for many parents. My community, family, and friends came together to ensure that my son and I had everything we needed, and I am forever grateful. Donations were made, fundraisers were held, and even jars collecting funds were placed on the counters of convenience stores throughout Sarasota. All of this was done to help meet our needs, organized and orchestrated by loving people—people just like you. It was the compassion, love, support, and prayers from others that gave me hope in my greatest time of need.


While I was at the hospital, I saw other families desperately in need of hope. Not only were they struggling with the unexplainable sadness and pain, but they were also struggling to meet their personal financial responsibilities. These parents had to choose between caring for their child and paying their mortgage—a choice no parent should have to make. Families were torn apart because of these hard choices and the lack of resources to help them.



This experience has driven my entire life from that point forward. If there was anything I could do to show love, compassion, and grace for others, I did it. My dream is to honor my son and give glory to God through the charity I have developed. Blaze of Hope is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides financial assistance to families during the trying times of having a sick child in the hospital. Thankfully, this dream has become a reality. I extend my deepest gratitude to all of you who choose to donate your time and resources to bless someone with hope in such a time of need. Thank you to the incredible Blaze of Hope board, volunteers, and donors. This wouldn’t be possible without you.


Please share Blaze of Hope so we can change the world, one family at a time. Together, we can spread hope like fire!


Lisa Moore

CEO / Founder


April Barnes



Ben LaLande

Vice President​


Myra Moore

Fundraising Coordinator


Coreen Wilde



Bettye Restle

Director of Communications


Meghan Houlihan



Christine Dodge



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Dale and
Suzanne Roedger

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