BLAZE of HOPE is honored to receive a proclamation from SARASOTA COUNTY GOVERNMENT!
WHEREAS, the National Cancer Insttute and the American Cancer Societ report cancer as the leading cause of death be disease among US children beareen O and the age of 18. Over 10.000 children undergo treatment each vear and one in five of our nation's children lose their battle with cancer. And those 60% of infants, children and teens who do survive will suffer from long-term effects of the comprehensive medical treatment. including secondary cancers; and
WHEREAS, Blaze of Hope was established to spread the message of HOPE to families of children battling life-threatening illnesses by providing financial assistance, raising awareness and building community and recognize that pediatric cancer effects families of all race, color, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.
WHEREAS, during the month of September, we remember the voung lives taken too soon, stand with the families facing childhood cancer today, and rededicate ourselves to combating this terrible illness. Blaze of Hope will be holding our 2" annual walk for Childhood Cancer awareness to honor and pas tribute to the families, friends, professionals, and col. who lend their strength to children fighting pediatric cancer.
NOW, THEREFORE, WE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereby proclaim September to be: National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
PRESENTED this 29th day of August, 2023.